USA Parliament (Intl.) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the (DESI) European Department for Security and Information Amb. Dr. Haissam Bou-Said considered that the disappearance of Iranian former Ambassador Ghadanfar Rokon Abadi took a dangerous path. Ambassador Abadi was out of reach day after the “Machaar Mena” incident. It is noted by […]
(DESI) Secretary General met the Lebanese Army Chief of Staff: Right demands are common points / امين عام المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات يلتقي رئيس أركان الجيش اللبناني: المطالب المحقّة مطلب مشترك
Secretary General of the (DESI) European Department for Security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said met the chief of staff Lebanese army Maj. Gen. Walid Salman in his office in Yarzeh in the presence of The Head Advisory Board Committee lawyer Said Alameh and a member of the General Secretariat Essam al-Khatib. The talks emerging […]
(DESI) Secretary General had warned EU Head Committee and MFA on / امين عام المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات كان قد حذّر رئيس المفوضية الاوروبية ووزيرة خارجيتها من احداث مرتقبة
The Secretary-General of the Organization of European Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said he might Contact European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and European Federica Mogherini about the existence of sleeper cells had entered through contrived wave of displacement by the Syrians displaced people, and that there […]
USA Parliament (Intl.) and the (DESI)European Department for Security and Information received a European delegation: Paris incident actors are known and may be repeated in other places/ البرلمان الأميركي الدولي والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات يستقبل وفداً أوروبياً : جهات معروفة وراء احداث باريس وقد تتكرر في أماكن اخرى
The High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said met Member of the Belgian Parliament Laurent Louis who headed an official delegation included twenty-European personal representative, intellectual and heads of political parties in Switzerland, France and Belgium heading from Syria after an […]
USA Parliament (Intl.) and the(DESI) European Department for Security and Information carrying Israel responsible for the bombing in “Burj el-Barajneh” through its tools “ISIS” organization / البرلمان الأميركي الدولي والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات يحمّلان إسرائيل مسؤولية التفجير في برج البراجنة
The USA Parliament (Intl.) High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and the Secretary General of the (DESI) European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu-Saeed strongly condemned the explosion of “Burj El-Barajneh”, which led to the death of 43 people and injuring about 239 multiple injuries within sedition planned by regional destinations countries for […]
Israel again instead of slander and evade clarify Alsadah data for the High Representative for Foreign Affairs at the USA Parliament (Intl.) and the (DESI) European Department for Security and Information / أسرائيل تفتري مرّة أخرى وتتهرّب من توضيح البيانات الصادرة عن المفوّض الأعلى لشؤون الخارجية في البرلمان الأميركي الدولي والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات
Please take note of the news about what the Israeli press of trying to smear the National High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the European Department for Security and Information Secretary general Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said as he simply expose military affairs issues on Israel who does not want it to appear in the […]
(DESI) البرلمان الاميركي الدولي: محاولة تعطيل إسرائيلية لاجتماع الإمارات المرتقب بين روسيا و جيش الحُرّ
أكّد المكتب الاعلامي للمفوّض الأعلى لشؤون الخارجية في البرلمان الاميركي (الدولي) ان اللقاء المرتقب في الإمارات بين وفد عسكري روسي وما يُسمّى “الجيش الحُر” ما زال مدار جدل قوي بين الطرفين والذي سيتراّس الوفد السوري الحر محمود الافندي مع سبعة قادة ألوية، ومتوقّع ان يحضر في المقابل دبلوماسي رفيع المستوى من الخارجية الروسية (بوغدانوف) مع […]
USA Parliament intl. and (DESI): Israel Security Agencies authorizes killing without proof./ البرلمان الاميركي الدولي والديسي: استخبارات اسرائيل تعطي امر بقتل الفلسطينيين دون دليل
The USA Parliament High Representative for Foreign Affairs and European Department for Security and Information Secretary General Ambassador Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID revealed that the Israeli Arm forces Chief of Staff Gen. Ghadi Eizenkot had given special instruction to the Officers and soldiers to liquidate any suspicious person without any material proof of crime. Ambassador Dr. […]
USA Parliament & (DESI): Saudi Arabia is trying to suppress laws again through the media / البرلمان الاميركي الدولي: السعودية تحاول قمع القوانين مجددا من خلال الإعلام
The USA Parliament High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information Amb. Dr. Haissam Bou-Said declared that Arab Sat is violation the freedom of speech by pressing the Lebanese Government to close the Mayadeen television. The Secretary General Dr. Bou-Said disclosed these affairs by referring this […]
(DESI)European Department for Security and information : Russian aircraft have been targeted , Russian – Egyptian – Gulf and coordination began / المنظمة الأوروبية للامن والمعلومات: الطائرة الروسية تم إستهدافها، والتنسيق الروسي – المصري – الخليجي بدأ
Information Office of the Secretary of the European Department for Security and the information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said explained that the Russian incident plane ” Airbus ” , which was carrying 224 people come from Sharm el-Sheikh towards Russia, which crashed at an altitude of 9450 meters ( 31,000 feet) and disappeared from radar […]