D.E.S.I. Polcyber



(DESI) Abruzzo e Albania sempre piu’ vicini per scambi culturali, economici e imprenditoriali

(DESI) Abruzzo e Albania sempre piu’ vicini per scambi culturali, economici e imprenditoriali. (Sant’Omero) si è aperto a Rimini il primo summit sull’opportunità di business dedicato alle imprese Italiane, organizzato dal presidente Tommaso Scattolari della camera di commercio Italo-Albanese (ACIA) , hanno partecipato numerosi politici dall’Albania e dall’Italia, Il vice Ministro dell’Istruzione Albanese on. Shpati […]

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: Special visit to intelligence officials on a special mission in Iraq/ الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: زيارة خاصة لمسؤولين إستخباراتيين في مهمّة خاصة في العراق

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: Special visit to intelligence officials on a special mission in Iraq. The DESI European Department  for Security and Information has received details verified at the political level that special visits were made to former intelligence officials of one of Iraq’s major states to find out the final details of […]

+Esclusiva!! DESI ponte morandi altri depistaggi con falsi video, orari non coincidono con il crollo

(DESI ponte morandi altri depistaggi con falsi video, orari non coincidono con il crollo): Integrazione all’esposto del 6/09/2018 presso la Procura di teramo                                             Comunicato Stampa   Dopo  l’esposto in procura di Teramo presentato dal  […]

European Department (DESI): Syria may be equipped with S-400 missiles; Washington meeting on the region is dangerous / الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: سوريا قد تتزوّد بصواريخ أس ٤٠٠؛ وإجتماع واشنطن حول المنطقة خطير…

European Department (DESI): Syria may be equipped with S-400 missiles; Washington meeting on the region is dangerous. The Office of the Commissioner of the Middle East of the International Human Rights Committee, through sources close to the Russian decision, that the refusal of Russian officials to meet with the Israeli military delegation high-level after the […]

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