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ISRAEL BOMBED YEMEN PROTON BOMBS . المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات : إسرائيل تقصف اليمن بقنابل البروتون

The Secretary General of the European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said declared that Yemen was bombed neutron bomb , which Israel openly having over publicly .The Secretary-General pointed out that Israel is behind it bear the full responsibility for this work , which criminalizes internationally has done. The information indicated that the US -made F16’s plane has documented this raid and threw neutron bomb internationally banned . The Secretary- General fear of the Saudi air military coordination with Israel in this area , because the latter of Devin hatred towards Islam and the central issues. The military leadership also called on the Saudi alliance to issue a detailed statement on the matter ..The Secretary-General Dr. Abu Said if they were to make sure the information received about the use of these types of prohibited the use of weapons in warfare because of its damage on all human levels , it will be adding these violations and documented for the accountability of carried out this act , violating all norms international rights of the individual.







Updated: Friday October 9th, 2015 — 10:56 am
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