(DESI) Israelis officers killed in Yemen according to Houthis intelligence The European Department for Security and Information (DESI) pointed out that the recent events accelerated in the war of international aggression against Yemen that there are many variables in the strategic dimension and the military perspective of the circumstances of the battle, including: 1 […]
Category: ATTUALITA’
(Italiano) (DESI)Ambassador Bou Said honors Minister Mansour and refers to the situation of the displaced in the proper framework /فير أبو سعيد يكرّم الوزير منصور ويشير الى وضع النازحين في إطاره الصحيح..
(DESI) Ambassador Bou Said honors Minister Mansour and refers to the situation of the displaced in the proper framework. Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said presented the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, Dr. Adnan Mansour with an honorary certificate, at his home from the International Committee for Human Rights and the European Department for Security […]
(DESI) Exclusive : reports of the killing of a senior Israeli general and 25 officers in Yemen/ الدائرة الأوروبية (ديسي): أنباء عن مقتل جنرال إسرائيلي كبير و25 ضابط في اليمن
(DESI) reports of the killing of a senior Israeli general and 25 officers in Yemen: The Information Office of the Secretary-General of the European Department for security and Information DESI announced that he had received information about the killing of a senior Israeli general, Moshe Levine, and twenty-five (25) officers and officers during the infiltration […]
(DESI) The European Department of Security and Information: the seriousness of the displaced Syrians and the plot / الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: خطورة النازحين السوريين والمؤامرة المرسومة…
(DESI) The European Department of Security and Information: the seriousness of the displaced Syrians and the plot. The DESI European Department for Security and Information (Rome) said in a report on the situation of the Syrian displaced in Lebanon that their file has been politicized and exploited since 2012, where they are punished by […]
(DESI): America’s departure from nuclear agreement has serious aims to serve Israel./ الدائرة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات: خروج اميركا عن الإتفاق النووي له غايات خطيرة لخدمة إسرائيل
(DESI) European Department security Information: America’s departure from nuclear agreement has serious aims to serve Israel … The DESI European Department of Security and Information announced in a statement on recent developments in terms of the withdrawal of America from the nuclear agreement with Iran, which the European Union refused to withdraw from it because […]
+Exclusive+(DESI): Al-Baghdadi in Syria within the territory of American control, and confessions./ الدائرة الأوروبية (ديسي): البغدادي في سوريا ضمن أراضي سيطرة أميركية، وإعترافات…
+(Exclusive)+ DESI: Al-Baghdadi in Syria within the territory of American control, and confessions. In addition to what was announced by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Oleg Serumolotov, that there is no evidence in his country confirms the killing of the leader of the organization, “Daash” terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which had announced His […]
(DESI)The European Department of Security and Information supports the rep oortf the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon and the President of the Republic on the issue of the displaced and clarifies the conspiracy/الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات تؤيد تقرير وزير خارجية لبنان ورئيس الجمهورية حول قضية النازحين وتوضح المؤامرة
(DESI)The European Department of Security and Information supports the report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon and the President of the Republic on the issue of the displaced and clarifies the conspiracy: The European Department for Security and Information (DESI) has expressed its support for the decisions of Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Gebran […]
(DESI)The strike did not produce any actual result on Syria and is condemned by DESI and violates international law/ الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: لم تحقق الضربة أي نتيجة فعلية على سوريا وهي مُدانة من الديسي وخرق للقانون الدولي
الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: لم تحقق الضربة أي نتيجة فعلية على سوريا وهي مُدانة من الديسي وخرق للقانون الدولي أمين عام الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات السفير الدكتور هيثم بو سعيد قال في حديثه مع الرئيس التنفيذي والمدير لوسيانو كونسورتي والأدميرال رينالدو فيري يوم الأربعاء 11/4/2018 إن القصف الأمريكي على سوريا لن يكون فاعلاً حيث سيستخدم […]
(DESI)Sent dangerous documents from al-Ghouta chemist two days ago to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the European Parliament and the High Commissioner of the Council of Rights/”ديسي” تُسلّم مستندات خطيرة عن الكيميائي في الغوطة منذ يومين إلى أمين عام الامم المتحدة ورئيس البرلمان الأوروبي والمفوّض السامي لمجلس الحقوق.
DESI received dangerous documents from al-Ghouta chemist two days ago to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the European Parliament and the High Commissioner of the Council of Rights . The Commissioner of the Middle East for the International Human Rights Commission and the Secretary General of the European Department Security […]
(DESI) Preliminary ination indicates that chloformrine is not used in Syria and it seems politicized / الدائرة الأوروبية (ديسي): المعلومات الأولية تشير لعدم إستعمال الكلور في سوريا والأمر يبدو مُسيّس
(DESI) Preliminary ination indicates that chloformrine is not used in Syria and it seems politicized The European Department for security and information (DESI), based in Rome, said that no constructive evidence has been found by using chlorine in the eastern Ghouta from Damascus and that the conclusions referred to by some international bodies have not […]