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EUROPEAN DEPARTMENT (DESI) HIGHLY CONSIDERED THE US AID TO THE LEBANESE ARMY THROUGH ITS DIRECTOR IN WASHINGTON / الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات تثمّن عالياً مساعدات أميركا للجيش اللبناني عن طريق مديرها في واشنطن

EUROPEAN DEPARTMENT FOR SECURITY AND INFORMATION (DESI) HIGHLY CONSIDERED THE US AID TO THE LEBANESE ARMY THROUGH ITS DIRECTOR IN WASHINGTON : The European Department for Security and Information  (DESI) declared that they highly valued the efforts of its director in Washington, Dr. Tony Brady who is also a political advisor to Congressman Duncan Hunter, […]

(DESI) Turkey has many and dangerous options in the face of America …/الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: تركيا تمتلك خيارات كثيرة وخطيرة في مواجهة أميركا…

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information :Turkey has many and dangerous options in the face of America … In the context of events and regional developments, especially what is happening on the Syrian and Turkish arena, the Secretary General of the European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said said that […]

(DESI) European Department DESI is in contact with the Congressional Counselor to discuss the Helsinki meeting./ الأمين العام للإدارة الأوروبية (DESI) على اتصال مع مستشار الكونغرس لمناقشة اجتماع هلسنكي.

Secretary-General of the European Department (DESI) is in contact with the Congressional Counselor to discuss the Helsinki meeting Following the international atmosphere and meetings that took place between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, the Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Haissam Bou Said, […]

(DESI)The European Department for Security and Information: Al-Baghdadi is still alive; a new threat … / الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: البغدادي ما زال حياً؛ وتهديد جديد…

(DESI)The European Department for Security and Information: Al-Baghdadi is still alive; a new threat … The European Department for Security and Information DESI announced that the fate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi fluctuated widely between the announcement of his death and his exile. However, the positive information released by the Department in April 2017 about his […]

(DESI) Israelis officers killed in Yemen according to Houthis intelligence/ الدائرة الأوروبية (ديسي) / مقتل ضباط إسرائيليين في اليمن حسب ما أوردته الحوثية

(DESI) Israelis officers killed in Yemen according to Houthis intelligence   The European Department for Security and Information (DESI) pointed out that the recent events accelerated in the war of international aggression against Yemen that there are many variables in the strategic dimension and the military perspective of the circumstances of the battle, including: 1 […]

(Italiano) (DESI)Ambassador Bou Said honors Minister Mansour and refers to the situation of the displaced in the proper framework /فير أبو سعيد يكرّم الوزير منصور ويشير الى وضع النازحين في إطاره الصحيح..

(DESI) Ambassador  Bou Said honors Minister Mansour and refers to the situation of the displaced in the proper framework. Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said presented the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, Dr. Adnan Mansour with an honorary certificate, at his home from the International Committee for Human Rights and the European Department for Security […]

(DESI) Exclusive : reports of the killing of a senior Israeli general and 25 officers in Yemen/ الدائرة الأوروبية (ديسي): أنباء عن مقتل جنرال إسرائيلي كبير و25 ضابط في اليمن

(DESI) reports of the killing of a senior Israeli general and 25 officers in Yemen:   The Information Office of the Secretary-General of the European Department for security and Information DESI announced that he had received information about the killing of a senior Israeli general, Moshe Levine, and twenty-five (25) officers and officers during the infiltration […]

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