(DESI) ” Il Leader ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi si troverebbe detenuto in una prigione segreta in SIRIA” (DESI) La cattura del Califfo dell’ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, è un vero e proprio complotto internazionale. Dalle ultime notizie si darebbe ulteriore conferma alle nostre informazioni del 18 aprile 2017 sulla cattura del leader […]
(DESI) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a US military camp; Former Statements by the European Department (DESI) were correct/ ابو بكر البغدادي في مخيم عسكري أميركي؛ وبيانات السابقة للدائرة الأوروبية (ديسي) عنه كانت صائبة
“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a US military camp; Former Statements by the European Department (DESI) were correct” The Commissioner of the International Commission for Human Rights and Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Haissam Bou Said, recalled the data received by his office regarding the arrest of Abu Bakr […]
(DESI) The International Committee on Human Rights handled an invitation to attend a conference in Washington to the Chief of Staff of the Lebanese Army / اللجنة الدولية لحقوق الإنسان تسلّم دعوة لحضور مؤتمر في واشنطن لرئيس الأركان في الجيش اللبناني
(DESI) The International Committee on Human Rights handled an invitation to attend a conference in Washington to the Chief of Staff of the Lebanese Army The Commissioner of the International Commission for Human Rights in the Middle East and the Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Dr. Haissam Bou […]
(DESI) il Governo da il via libera alla “sorveglianza di massa”
il Governo da il via libera alla “sorveglianza di massa” Infilato in uno di quei provvedimenti che tengono dentro un po’ di tutto, come il decreto “Milleproroghe”, da approvare in tempi strettissimi in vista delle imminenti scadenze, il governo Gentiloni sta introducendo in Italia quella che sembrerebbe una sorta di sorveglianza di massa. Il cavallo di […]
(DESI) Associazione”Versoilfuturo”, assistere un familiare non è una scelta
(DESI) Caregiver familiare diventa “Prestatore Volontario di Cure”: così si legge nel nuovo Testo Unificato adottato in Commissione al Senato, frutto dell’insieme di tre Ddl molto diversi tra loro. Permane l’idea che la decisione di assistere un familiare disabile sia una scelta volontaria e non obbligatoria in quanto spesso ciò avviene per mancanza di servizi […]
(DESI) International Commission of Rights and the European Department / DESI (Joint Statement): To coordinate efforts between Lebanon and Syria to avoid the bomb of the Syrian refugees / اللجنة الدولية للحقوق والدائرة الأوروبية (بيان مشترك): لتنسيق الجهود بين لبنان وسوريا لتفادي قنبلة النازحين السوريين
International Commission of Rights and the European Department / DESI (Joint Statement): To coordinate efforts between Lebanon and Syria to avoid the bomb of the Syrian refugees: The Commissioner of the Middle East for International Human Rights and the Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Haissam Bou-Said, stressed […]
(DESI) L’Ambasciatrice del D.E.S.I, l’attrice Carla Ortiz sta preparando un nuovo documentario sulla Corea del Nord alla ricerca delle verità nascoste.
(D.E.S.I) Sant’Omero – La famosa attrice e produttrice boliviana Carla Ortiz Oporto, nominata a marzo scorso a Beirut, Ambasciatrice per i diritti umani del D.E.S.I (Dipartimento Europeo Sicurezza Informazioni) dal Presidente Luciano Consorti , nell’ambito della sua attività filantropica – umanitaria, sta preparando un docu-film per mettere alla luce “verità” nascoste su aree di crisi […]
(DESI)The DESI Service supports the security measures in Lebanon in terms of combating terrorism and diplomatic and judicial frameworks/الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات تؤيد الإجراءات الأمنية في لبنان لجهة مكافحة الإرهاب والأطر الدبلوماسية والقضائية
The DESI European Department for security and information Service supports the security measures in Lebanon in terms of combating terrorism and diplomatic and judicial frameworks: Honorary President of the European Department for Security and Information (DESI) Admiral Rinaldo Veri stated that the Government and the Arm Forces of Lebanon are doing great job to put […]
(DESI) The mission of the “al-Kharsa” group in calling for bombings in the West/ الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: مهمّة مجموعة “الخرسا” في داعش القيام بتفجيرات في الغرب
European Department for Security and Information : The mission of the “al-Kharsa” group in calling for bombings in the West: The Secretary-General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Haissam Bou Said, said in part of his talk about the harvest program on Al-Liwaa channel that he received from the Cybersecurity […]
(DESI) Apocalisse vicina, profezia racchiusa in un quadro, l’Europa a rischio
Si avvicina la fine del mondo. E’ quanto è scritto nel retro del quadro “Michael’s gate” eseguito dal pittore Hypnos. Quando il drago rosso e l’orso rosso si riuniranno (dice la profezia scritta sul quadro) si mangeranno il neo-nato. Dalle recenti manovre militari l’orso rosso e’ la Russia, il drago rosso è la Cina, il […]