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Category: CRONACA

(DESI)European Department for Security and Information: Amb. Dr. Bou-Said after meeting General Masri; “To Work on International Counter-Terrorism” / المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات: السفير ابو سعيد بعد لقاء العميد المصري “للعمل على القرارات الدولية لمكافحة الارهاب

Secretary General of the European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said met with the head of the judicial police in Lebanon Brigadier Naji al -Masri in his office. Conferees discussed security situation in the region as a whole , and Lebanon in particular as well as proposed by the Chairman of […]

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: Geneva meeting will witness Federal output and the ASL derived / المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات: لقاء جنيف سيشهد بحث الفيدرالية، وجامعة العربية جمحت

Information Office of the Secretary General of the DESI  European Department for Security and the Information and the League of Arab peoples Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed that reported encounters Geneva between the government and the Syrian oppositions will see articulated the issues and on her head asking the federal order to access to the political […]

IHRC & DESI – Human Rights Report: Number of terrorists in Iraq: 104,520 fighters from 29 countries, including European and American countries / اللجنة الدولية لحقوق الإنسان والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن: تقرير عن عدد إرهابيي العراق وبلغ : 104,520 مقاتل من 29 دولة منهم دول أوروبية وأميركية

International Committee for human rights and DESI have announced that the number of people who do not have Iraqi nationality and the fight in Iraq until the preparation of this report an approximate 104,520, according the survey. The ICRC has made it clear that these groups belong to the twenty-nine state (29) led by Tunisia […]

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information discussed with the Chief of Staff of the Lebanese army in the related issues / امين عام المنظمة الأوروبية للامن والمعلومات يبحث ورئيس الاركان الجيش اللبناني في قضايا ذات صلة

Secretary General of the DESI European Organization for Security and Information and secretary general of the League of Arab peoples Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed met with the Chief of Staff of the Lebanese Army Major General Walid Salman in his office at the Ministry of National Defense. The research overall security developments as well […]

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: Israel and Arab States established plans and organized “ISIS” and subsidiaries; Saudi Arabia re-Ball in Egypt / المنظمة الأوروبية (DESI): إسرائيل ودول عربية خططا على تأسيس تنظيم داعش ومتفرعاته والسعودية تعيد الكرة في مصر

Secretary-General of the  DESI European Department for Security and Information and secretary general of the League of Arab peoples Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed announced that all this hype cutting Saudi aid for Lebanon and its army, a maximum of 2 per cent of Lebanon’s gross national product, and this indicators can be compensated from […]

(DESI)تعيين اللواء حربا مديرا عاما للمنظمة في سوريا والعميد شفاعي في مصر

اعلن الامين العام للمنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات السفير الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد عن تعيين اللواء سليم حربا مديرا عاما للمنظمة في سوريا بناء على التكليف الرسمي، بالاضافة الى تعيين العميد الدكتور عصام شافعي مديرا عاما لجمهورية مصر العربية.

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: Israel took full guarantees from Arabs on Palestine affairs; Western security and diplomatic delegations in Syria / المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات :إسرائيل تآخذ ضمانات عربية بشأن فلسطين; وفود أمنية ودبلوماسية غربية في سوريا

Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said, secretary general of the DESI   European Security and Information and the League of Arab peoples revealed in an interview today on “Al Thabat” that Israel won in the last two meetings with her senior Gulf officials-level assurances to calm Palestinian streets of any action against it, through a halt […]

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information wrote Syrian Minister of Justice; Bilal Erdogan recognize and coordinate with official figures in Iraq / المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات تراسل وزير العدل السوري، وبلال أردوغان يعترف وتنسيق مع شخصيات رسمية في العراق

Secretary General of the DESI  European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed announced that he had sent an official letter to the Minister of Justice Syrian Dr. Najm al-Ahmad explaining ways of cooperation with the Syrian Arab Republic to prepare a report by the International Accounting humanitarian violations that took place […]

السفير الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد: لا لقرار الفتنة الإسرائيلية 5233 بحق دروز فلسطين

ندد السفير الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد المفوّض الأعلى لشؤون الخارجية في البرلمان الأميركي الدولي وأمين عام المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات بالقرار الإسرائيلي  5233 الذي يقضي بإقامة بلدة درزيةجديدة ضمن الأراضي التابعة للمجلس الإقليمي الجليل الأسفل في منطقة أحوزات نفتالي القريبة من مدينة طبريا ونبّه السفير ابو سعيد إلى هذا القرار يقضي بإحراج الدروز أمام باقي […]

USA Parliament Intl. & (DESI ): Libya’s security battle detail and elude coalition in northern Syria / البرلمان الأميركي الدولي: معركة ليبيا بتفاصيلها الأمنية قريباً والتحالف يراوغ في الشمال السوري

USA Parliament High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the  DESI European Depatment for security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed announced that he was determined two meetings in Rome and Davos about the presence of US warships and French, on average, with reconnaissance aircraft were monitored in Cyprus and Italy in […]

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