The High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the USA Parliament (Int) and Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed met with, the head of the Resistance Parliamentary Committee Alhaj Mohammed Raad in the presence of the President of the advisory body for the international organization lawyer […]
Category: CRONACA
(DESI) Ambassador Dr. Haissam Bou-Said: No to Captagon legislation; International caveats should be taken into consideration and not to exchange it with Oil / السفير د. هيثم ابو سعيد: لا لتشريع الكابتغون والأخذ بالمحاذير الدولية وعدم مقايضتها بجزء من النفط
Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information and the Ambassador of the Middle East at the International Committee for Human Rights, Dr. Haitham Abu-Said revealed that what is being said today in Lebanon of trying to create a legislation on the Captagon or Fenethylline by some local political parties internal affair does […]
(DESI)The European Department for Security and Information: Execution Decision of Sheikh AL-NIMER came insistently by one of the princes in Saudi Arabia / المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: قرار إعدام الشيخ النمر جاء بإصرار احد الأمراء في السعودية
Secretary-General of the DESI European Department for Security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed strongly condemn the execution of 47 people in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the morning of New Year’s, led by Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, who was tortured and abused him more than once before his execution, which is a […]
(DESI) International climate toward the crisis in the region began to change and meeting seriously the required of the ONU resolution 2254 is needed / سياسة – المناخ الدولي تجاه الأزمات في المنطقة بدأٓ بالتغيير والمطلوب ملاقاة جدية للقرار ٢٢٥٤
The international political track does not carries the full hostility to the Syrian government and the meeting in public and behind the scenes, as it can no longer proceed with the previous policies which were hostile not too long ago with a stay of a few of this group in this situation and heed that […]
European Department (DESI) : The assassination of Kantar change the rules of engagement; No Presidential Elections before modern election law / السفير الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد /اغتيال القنطار تغيير قواعد الاشتباك ولا رئيس للجمهورية في لبنان قبل نضوج التسوية
Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information declared that there will be no elections of a New President in Lebanon on the first election session next year before reaching a political compromise on the New Election Parliamentary Law. Ambassador Bou-Said added that the current proposed law debate on such between both […]
European Department (DESI) reveal the presence of Saudi brigade on the sidelines of the “Tel Aviv ” , an alliance of 34 conference and conspiracy trial balloon on the region continues / المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات تكشف عن حضور لواء سعودي على هامش مؤتمر “تل أبيب”، تحالف الـ ٣٤ بالون اختبار والمؤامرة على المنطقة مستمرة
In a dangerous precedent and after careful monitoring of the FAO Regional Office Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said / Secretary General of the (DESI) European Department for Security and Information Office said in an interview on Syrian television that the Saudi delegation headed by brigade previous close of resolution center in the UK has visited […]
(DESI) Riyadh conference another failure of Saudi last policy improvisations / مؤتمر الرياض فشل أخر لسياسة الإرتجال السعودية
The Secretary General of the DESI European Department for security and Information Amb. Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID declared in an interview to one of the websites that are not actual value of the Conference of Riyadh does not have executive authority and cannot adopt any practical formula where the Vienna Agreement is the basic rule for the […]
(DESI) & USA Parliament : A criminal report in Yemen by ISIS and Arab Coalition assent / المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والبرلمان الاميركي الدولي: تقرير إجرامي في اليمن على يد تنظيم داعش بمعرفة التحالف العربي
International American Parliament and DESI European Department for Security and Information announced that the media delegation to Yemen, Anwar Haider has been documented in a book submitted to the UN High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Amb. Dr. Haitham Abu Said meat where documents and images carry out terrorist militias backed by Saudi Arabia and al-Qaeda […]
USA Parliament & (DESI): Buffer Zone in Syria will drag thousands of soldiers started in “Anbar”/ البرلمان الاميركي الدولي: المنطقة الآمنة المنشودة في سوريا ستؤدي الى تدخّل عشرات الآلاف من الجنود بدآ من الأنبار
In a special report arrived at the USA Parliament High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Office and the Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said that military operations in Syria will witness a strategic shift after the entry of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards directly on the line […]
USA PARLIAMENT & (DESI): List of Libyan terrorist may join the new elite unit in north of Syria / سياسة – البرلمان الدولي الأميركي: لائحة إرهاب ليبية جديدة قد تنضم إلى وحدة النخبة في شمال سوريا
USA Parliament (Intl.) High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed announced to both the Syrian Minister of Justice Dr. Najm al-Ahmad and Director General of the Lebanese Security General Major General Abbas Ibrahim congratulated the on the release of the Lebanese security […]