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Categoria: CRONACA

USA Parliament intl. and (DESI): Israel Security Agencies authorizes killing without proof./ البرلمان الاميركي الدولي والديسي: استخبارات اسرائيل تعطي امر بقتل الفلسطينيين دون دليل

The USA Parliament High Representative for Foreign Affairs and European Department for Security and Information Secretary General Ambassador Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID revealed that the Israeli Arm forces Chief of Staff Gen. Ghadi Eizenkot had given special instruction to the Officers and soldiers to liquidate any suspicious person without any material proof of crime. Ambassador Dr. […]

USA Parliament & (DESI): Saudi Arabia is trying to suppress laws again through the media / البرلمان الاميركي الدولي: السعودية تحاول قمع القوانين مجددا من خلال الإعلام

The USA Parliament High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information Amb. Dr. Haissam Bou-Said declared that Arab Sat is violation the freedom of speech by pressing the Lebanese Government to close the Mayadeen television. The Secretary General Dr. Bou-Said disclosed these affairs by referring this […]

(DESI)European Department for Security and information : Russian aircraft have been targeted , Russian – Egyptian – Gulf and coordination began / المنظمة الأوروبية للامن والمعلومات: الطائرة الروسية تم إستهدافها، والتنسيق الروسي – المصري – الخليجي بدأ

Information Office of the Secretary of the European Department for Security and the information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said explained that the Russian incident plane ” Airbus ” , which was carrying 224 people come from Sharm el-Sheikh towards Russia, which crashed at an altitude of 9450 meters ( 31,000 feet) and disappeared from radar […]

(DESI) & USA Parliament : Shahak in uncharted territory, some trap points in Vienna meeting / البرلمان الاميركي الدولي: شاحاك في منطقة مجهولة وبعض بنود فيينا مفخخة

Information Office of the Commissioner of top Foreign Affairs in the USA Parliament (international) and Secretary General of the (DESI) European Department for Security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said confirmed  that the Israeli prison in Iraq at the hands of the popular crowd on Oct. 19, 2015 Colonel Yossi Elon Shahak Which carries […]

(DESI) and USA Parliament: the United States intervene militarily on the Syrian line directly through “RAKKA” / أعلن المفوض الأعلى لشؤون الخارجية في البرلمان الاميركي (الدولي) وأمين عام المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات السفير الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد

The USA High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs at the USA Parliament (Intl.) and Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said announced that the United States would send in the coming days fiftieth military expert in various military fields to the north of Syria , specifically Syrian tenderness […]

Israel should refrain from killing Innocent Palestinian/ Israel doit s’abstenir des meutres contres les Palestiens

The High Representative of Foreign Affairs of the American Parliament World and (DESI) European Department for security and Information  Ambassador Dr. Haissam Bou -Said confirmed yesterday that the security approach taken by the Israeli authorities against Palestinian children is intolerable . The bloody scenes in Palestinian streets leads to uncontrollable tensions and creates an atmosphere […]

USA Parliament and (DESI): the execution of Sheikh Tiger Kid establishes sectarian strife in Yemen and the persistent shameful / البرلمان الاميركي الدولي والديسي: إعدام الشيخ النمر كيدي ويؤسس لفتنة مذهبية والتمادي في اليمن مُخزي

USA Parliament (Intl.) High Representative for Foreign Affairs in the American (international) Secretary General of the (DESI) European Department for Security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said Announced that the issue of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr sensitive execution comes as part of the tragic events in the Middle East. He noted that it is necessary to […]

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: the Missing in SAK are kidnapped, Air bridge with Israel in Yemen and the regional role bigger than its weight/ المنظمة الأوروبية للامن والمعلومات: المفقودين في السعودية مخطوفين وجسر جوّي مع أسرائيل في اليمن والدور الإقليمي أكبر من حجمها

Secretary General of the “DESI” European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said that the incident ” Mina ” will not fold what is not detected from the rest of the missing , especially the missing Iranian diplomats and the Iraqis security officers and during their religious duty. He noted that the […]

USA Parliament & DESI: US Military Parachutes in Baiji , some Gulf countries support the Rebels groups and Israel backed / البرلمان الأميركي الدولي والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: مظلات أميركية في بيجي، بعض دول الخليج تدعم المجموعات التكفيرية واسرائيل تساند

The death of the former leader for the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant ” ISIS” Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi and his aides became a reality unless there has been no conclusive evidence in the coming days in the wake of an exchange of fire where injured in two shots: one in […]

Israeli General Commanding ISIS Captured in Iraq /Catturato un colonnello israeliano insieme ai terroristi ISIS in Iraq/ إلقاء القبض على جنرال إسرائيلي مع داعش

  The Foreign Affairs High Representative at the USA Parliament and Secretary General of the “DESI” European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID confirmed that Iraqi popular Army captured an Israeli officer whose name is Yussi Elon Shahak, based on the Intel provided by the “US international Parliament and European Department for […]

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