Secretary General of the “DESI” European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said that the incident ” Mina ” will not fold what is not detected from the rest of the missing , especially the missing Iranian diplomats and the Iraqis security officers and during their religious duty. He noted that the […]
USA Parliament & DESI: US Military Parachutes in Baiji , some Gulf countries support the Rebels groups and Israel backed / البرلمان الأميركي الدولي والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: مظلات أميركية في بيجي، بعض دول الخليج تدعم المجموعات التكفيرية واسرائيل تساند
Israeli General Commanding ISIS Captured in Iraq /Catturato un colonnello israeliano insieme ai terroristi ISIS in Iraq/ إلقاء القبض على جنرال إسرائيلي مع داعش
The Foreign Affairs High Representative at the USA Parliament and Secretary General of the “DESI” European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID confirmed that Iraqi popular Army captured an Israeli officer whose name is Yussi Elon Shahak, based on the Intel provided by the “US international Parliament and European Department for […]
USA Parliament & DESI : ISIS executed Ninety-five foreigner in Iraq , and terrorist groups in Russia were detected/ سياسة –البرلمان الأميركي الدولي والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: داعش يعدم خمسة وتسعون أجنبي في الصينية، وكشف مجموعات إرهابية في روسيا
The High Representative for Foreign Affairs at the USA Parliament and Secretary General of the “DESI” European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID confirmed from its resources in Iraq that there were execution of more than ninety-five leaders from ISIS considered to be the from an elite unit major of Russian ascendants […]
Secretary General of the European Organization for security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said :Baghdadi scenery failed attempt and scandalous and Syria will regain international diplomacy/ أمين عام المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات السفير الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد: سيناريو البغدادي محاولة فاشلة وفاضحة وسوريا ستستعيد الدبلوماسية الدولية
Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said secretary-general of the European Organization for Security and Information announced that the bombing attempt Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi procession in “Baiji” area is the allegation is true , but that al-Baghdadi was not among the people who were injured in the aerial bombardment of the international coalition . The purpose of […]
USA Parliament and DESI: Russia apply the UN resolution on Syria so far , and lust may take the region and the world into the abyss/ البرلمان الاميركي الدولي والمنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والعلومات: روسيا تطبق القرار الدولي في سوريا حتى الآن، والجموح قد يأخذ المنطقة والعالم الى الهاوية
The High Representative on Foreign Affairs of the USA Parliament (Intl.) and Secretary General of the European Department for Security & Information Amb. Dr. HAISSAM BOU-SAID assured that Russia is implementing the UN resolution 2170 where the US and western allies failed. Ambassador Dr. Bou-Said stressed that the road is far away to end this […]
European Department for Security and Information (DESI) and the USA Parliament: information on Al-Baghdadi is no more existing, and duplication in dealing with extremist groups/ المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات (DESI) والبرلمان الدولي: معلومات ان البغدادي في عداد الأموات، والازدواجية في التعاطي مع التكفيريين
Information Office of the High Representative of Foreign Affairs at the USA Parliament (international) and Secretary General of the European Department for Security and information DESI Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed confirmed in connection with the Executive Board of the Parliament and the organization refers to the information from Mosul in Iraq that the leader […]
US Parliament and DESI European Department for Security and Information: Saudi Arabia sinking in a swamp Yemen lost fitness and norms in Syria and Iraq/ البرلمان الاميركي الدولي والمنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات: السعودية تغرق في مستنقع اليمن وفقدت الأعراف واللياقة في سوريا والعراق
The Information Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USA Parliament (Intl.) and the Secretary General of International European Organization for Security and Information, Dr. Haitham Abu said in an interview conducted by a channel “MAYADEEN ‘ and “THABAT” with him that Saudi Arabia exceeded all red lines with regard to respect for […]
USA Parliament (Intl.) and DESI : Agreement between The two poles on the first stage in Syria and Ukraine a hotbed of Syrian terrorism bailer / البرلمان الاميركي الدولي والديسي: إسرائيل تقصف بقنابل نووية في سوريا، وأوكرانيا مرتعاً لإرهاب النازح السوري
USA Parliament (Intl.) and Secretary General of the European Department for Security and Information Dr. Haitham Bou-Said revealed on the situation in Syria after the repositioning of the Russian troops, took a diversity way as international calculation has changed without yielding the field of reality where the agreement between the international poles falls to fight […]
(DESI)European Department for Security and information : Saudi Arabia violate the International Bill in Syria , Iraq, Yemen , and demand accountability from stakeholders / المنظمة الاوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: السعودية تخرق الشرعة الدولية في سوريا والعراق واليمن، وطلب محاسبة من الجهات المعنية
Media Office of the General Command of the International Organization for Security and Information confirmed that the head of the organization Luciano Consorti In a telephone conversation with Secretary General of the Organization Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said that the reports obtained by the organization in terms of violation of Saudi Arabia international laws and […]