(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: Special visit to intelligence officials on a special mission in Iraq. The DESI European Department for Security and Information has received details verified at the political level that special visits were made to former intelligence officials of one of Iraq’s major states to find out the final details of […]
+Esclusiva!! DESI ponte morandi altri depistaggi con falsi video, orari non coincidono con il crollo
European Department (DESI): Syria may be equipped with S-400 missiles; Washington meeting on the region is dangerous / الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: سوريا قد تتزوّد بصواريخ أس ٤٠٠؛ وإجتماع واشنطن حول المنطقة خطير…
European Department (DESI): Syria may be equipped with S-400 missiles; Washington meeting on the region is dangerous. The Office of the Commissioner of the Middle East of the International Human Rights Committee, through sources close to the Russian decision, that the refusal of Russian officials to meet with the Israeli military delegation high-level after the […]
(DESI) Svelato il segreto del video “manipolato” del ponte morandi di Genova
(DESI) Svelato il segreto del video “manipolato” del ponte morandi di Genova: Dopo l’esposto di Luciano Consorti presidente DESI (Dipartimento Europeo Sicurezza Informazioni) presso la procura della Repubblica di Teramo riguardo la manomissione del Video del Ponte Morandi di Genova rilasciato ai Media come Ufficiale dalla Squadra mobile di Genova, inoltre come viene riportato dal […]
(DESI) Breaking news : caccia F15 USA raid in Siria con armi proibite al fosforo
(DESI) Effettuati da caccia USA raid in Siria con armi proibite al fosforo Due caccia americani F-15 hanno colpito l’8 settembre con munizioni vietate al fosforo bianco strutture militari nella provincia di Deir ez-Zor, ha riferito oggi il direttore del Centro russo per la riconciliazione delle parti siriane in conflitto, il generale Vladimir Savchenko. […]
(DESI) ESCLUSIVA: Manomissione del video relativo alla videocamera presente sul Ponte Morandi di Genova”
COMUNICATO STAMPA : Manomissione del video relativo alla videocamera presente sul Ponte Morandi di Genova” Il sottoscritto Luciano Consorti in qualità di Presidente e Direttore Editoriale della testata giornalistica “Dipartimento Europeo Sicurezza Informazioni (D.E.S.I.)” ha depositato il 6/09/2018 presso la Procura di Teramo un esposto relativo a verosimili manomissioni del video che riprende il Ponte […]
EUROPEAN DEPARTMENT (DESI) HIGHLY CONSIDERED THE US AID TO THE LEBANESE ARMY THROUGH ITS DIRECTOR IN WASHINGTON / الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات تثمّن عالياً مساعدات أميركا للجيش اللبناني عن طريق مديرها في واشنطن
EUROPEAN DEPARTMENT FOR SECURITY AND INFORMATION (DESI) HIGHLY CONSIDERED THE US AID TO THE LEBANESE ARMY THROUGH ITS DIRECTOR IN WASHINGTON : The European Department for Security and Information (DESI) declared that they highly valued the efforts of its director in Washington, Dr. Tony Brady who is also a political advisor to Congressman Duncan Hunter, […]
(DESI) Turkey has many and dangerous options in the face of America …/الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: تركيا تمتلك خيارات كثيرة وخطيرة في مواجهة أميركا…
(DESI) European Department for Security and Information :Turkey has many and dangerous options in the face of America … In the context of events and regional developments, especially what is happening on the Syrian and Turkish arena, the Secretary General of the European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said said that […]
(DESI) European Department DESI is in contact with the Congressional Counselor to discuss the Helsinki meeting./ الأمين العام للإدارة الأوروبية (DESI) على اتصال مع مستشار الكونغرس لمناقشة اجتماع هلسنكي.
Secretary-General of the European Department (DESI) is in contact with the Congressional Counselor to discuss the Helsinki meeting Following the international atmosphere and meetings that took place between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, the Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Haissam Bou Said, […]
(DESI)The European Department for Security and Information: Al-Baghdadi is still alive; a new threat … / الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: البغدادي ما زال حياً؛ وتهديد جديد…
(DESI)The European Department for Security and Information: Al-Baghdadi is still alive; a new threat … The European Department for Security and Information DESI announced that the fate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi fluctuated widely between the announcement of his death and his exile. However, the positive information released by the Department in April 2017 about his […]