“The DESI European Department for Security and Information warns Jordan of the unsystematic adventure in Syria, and the Golani leadership of the Front”. The DESI European Department for Security and Information noted that the intervention of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on the Syrian crisis is imposed by the international coalition led by the United […]
(DESI) Secretary General DESI has received a certificate from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon
(DESI) Israel’s bombing of Damascus airport denounces and follows the killing and arrest of IDF soldiers/ الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: قصف إسرائيل لمطار دمشق مستنكر وجاء بعد قتل وإعتقال عسكريين من الجيش الإسرائيلي
(DESI): Israel’s bombing of Damascus airport denounces and follows the killing and arrest of IDF soldiers: The Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information Dr. Haissam Bou Said that the bombing of Damascus International Airport on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 near the dividing line with the Golan Syrian section with […]
(DESI) Was there a deal before the US air strike on “Baghdadi”?/الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات: هل تمّت صفة قبل الإنزال الجوي الأميركي بخصوص “البغدادي”؟
(DESI) The European Department for Security and Information: Was there a deal before the US air strike on “Baghdadi”? “The Middle East coordinator of the International Human Rights Commission and Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information, Ambassador Haitham Abu Said, announced that”: the joint Syrian-Russian qualitative security operation on […]
(Italiano) Esclusiva (DESI): “il Califfo dell’ISIS “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” arrestato dai Russi in Siria”
The Information Office of the Secretary General of the DESI European Department of Security and Information announced that: “the office had received accurate information indicating that the leader of al-Qaeda “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” may have been arrested in the north of Syria through a monitoring by the Syrian-Russian joint intelligence. This came after Baghdadi forcibly […]
(DESI) The European Department Security and Information Service closely follows the story of Baghdadi’s arrested by Russians/الدائرة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات تتابع بدقّة قصة إعتقال البغدادي في روسيا
“The DESI European Department Security and Information Service closely follows the story of Baghdadi’s arrested by Russians” The Information Office of the Secretary General of the DESI European Department of Security and Information announced that: “the office had received accurate information indicating that the leader of al-Qaeda “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” may have been arrested […]
ESCLUSIVA (DESI)“Svelata la cospirazione contro Assad: le dichiarazioni su Facebok del giornalista Feras Karam lo scagionerebbero dall’uso dei gas vietati”
(DESI) Siria – Il Presidente del Dipartimento Europeo Sicurezza Informazioni (DESI), Luciano Consorti, ha dichiarato che: “Su Facebook e Twitter, il giornalista Feras Karam che opera in Siria nei territori in mano ai ribelli Anti -Assad, ha scritto dei post che scagionerebbero il governo Siriano dall’utilizzo dei gas vietati e svelerebbero la cospirazione per far […]
(DESI) “False Flag contro Assad , la strage in Siria ad Idlib è stata causata dallo scoppio di un deposito di armi chimiche delle forze ribelli”
in foto il Presidente DESI con il Gen. Naji Masri Capo Polizia Giudiziaria del Libano (Sant’Omero “TE” ) Dopo aver presentato una denuncia per minacce di morte da un numero con prefisso israeliano, Luciano Consorti, Presidente del Dipartimento Europeo Sicurezza Informazioni (DESI) ha organizzato il 24 marzo 2017, nella capitale del Libano, Beirut, un Seminario […]
Esclusiva DESI : Minacce di Morte al Presidente DESI Luciano Consorti
(DESI) il giorno 27 Febbraio 2017 ricevo una chiamata sul telefono dell’organizzazione DESI alle ore 15:56 P.m. durata 21 secondi, il numero è proveniente da Israele come è riportato nella foto allegata sotto, una persona ha detto al telefono “You Are Dead” (TU SEI MORTO), queste minacce arrivano da molto tempo, poichè il DESI ha rivelato […]