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DESI & LOAP: the events of Aleppo worry the West and is pushing for arming the Takfiri groups/ جامعة الشعوب العربية: احداث حلب تقلق الغرب وتدفع باتجاه تسليح المجموعات التكفيرية

The ambassador Dr. Haissam bou said Secretary General of the Organization of Arab League nations and the DESI European Department for Security and Information that classification, which took him and followed by Europe towards countries deemed supportive of terrorism and diverted the course of negotiating them is a fatal error in a realistic reading. I’ve […]

(DESI) World Global Government drives Turkish-Israeli alliance to the front

DESI : Britain spies on Lebanon and Syria Nahed Al Husaini,  VT  Damascus Bureau Chief        DESI  Secretary General  Dr. Haissam Bou-Said DESI confirms to VT that UK companies signed contracts with Beirut municipality for the purchase of monitoring and eavesdropping equipment to spy on the activities of the resistance in Lebanon. The […]

DESI: Israel, Turkey and Britain are putting the West in blown extortion /المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات: إسرائيل وتركيا وبريطانيا تضعان الغرب في مهب الابتزاز

Ambassador of the International Committee for Human Rights in the Middle East, the Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed announced that there is a need cosmic urgent to call an international UN to meet with anti-terrorism and to put serious grounds to him, he began to […]

DESI: Mossad threatens the European Department for Security and Information`s Secretary General after he strip it at several points / المنظمة الأوروبية للامن والمعلومات: الموساد يهدد المنظمة الأوروبية بتصفية أمينه العام بعد أن قامت بتعريته في عدة نقاط

After the DESI European Department for Security and information revelations by Secretary General Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed Office of multiple bombings that took place in several Western states series and after stripping the issue of displaced Syrians to the EU began to Israeli intelligence pressure on European services in order to reduce the volume of […]

European Department for Security and Information: Europe is working to establish cooperation on Counter-Terrorism; resettlement of Syrians in Lebanon and the seriousness of the issue along the lines of the Cairo Agreement / الاوروبية للامن: اوروبا تعمل على انشاء تعاون لمكافحة الارهاب؛ وتوطين السوريين في لبنان مسألة جدية وعلى غرار اتفاق القاهرة

The secretary-general of the DESI European Organization for Security and Information and the Ambassador of the International Committee for Human Rights in the Middle East, Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed Alerted that Takfiri groups in Europe working within sleeping cells and small groups not connected to each other in terms of information. And that each group […]

(DESI)European Department for Security and Information: Turkey live a dangerous security and military pangs; and the Kurdish for an Autonomy/ المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات: تركيا تعيش مخاض أمني وعسكري خطير، والأكراد لحكم ذاتي

The Secretary General of the DESI European Department for Security and Information Amb. Dr. Haissam Bou-Said declares that the latest events in the region boosted more diplomatic convoy that started to be more complicated, and the most leaded points are the re-shuffling of the political-military aspects that burned international red lines understandings. Ambassador Bou-Said assured […]

(DESI) European Department for Security and Information: Some Arab and Islamic countries, risking a political and security in the region’s future, there may be a Turkish security apparatus in Brussels Process/ المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات: بعض دول العربية والإسلامية يغامرون سياسيا وأمنيا في مستقبل المنطقة، قد يكون هناك جهاز أمني تركي في عملية بروكسيل

The secretary-general of the DESI European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed’s denounced the last decision of Saudi Arabia who lacks respect for the right of expression and stipulated by “Shariah” and international laws. As the issuance of memoranda under the local laws and roof in place in Saudi Arabia does […]

USA Parliament Intl. & (DESI ): Libya’s security battle detail and elude coalition in northern Syria / البرلمان الأميركي الدولي: معركة ليبيا بتفاصيلها الأمنية قريباً والتحالف يراوغ في الشمال السوري

USA Parliament High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the  DESI European Depatment for security and information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed announced that he was determined two meetings in Rome and Davos about the presence of US warships and French, on average, with reconnaissance aircraft were monitored in Cyprus and Italy in […]

(DESI) Secretary General had warned EU Head Committee and MFA on / امين عام المنظمة الاوروبية للامن والمعلومات كان قد حذّر رئيس المفوضية الاوروبية ووزيرة خارجيتها من احداث مرتقبة

The Secretary-General of the Organization of European Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said he might Contact European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and European  Federica Mogherini about the existence of sleeper cells had entered through contrived wave of displacement by the Syrians displaced people, and that there […]

USA Parliament (Intl.) & DESI: The possibility of European cooperation on Counter-Terrorism and resentment of Syrians displaced , and Yemen, ab entrance to Gulf Legal Pursuit / البرلمان الاميركي الدولي والمنظمة الاوروبية: إمكانية تعاون أوروبي لمكافحة الارهاب وإستياء من النازحين السوريين، واليمن مدخل لمحاسبة الخليج

أعلن وزير خارجية البرلمان الأميركي الدولي وأمين عام المنظمة الأوروبية للأمن والمعلومات الدكتور هيثم ابو سعيد عن قلقه لجهة إحتواء مائة وستون ألف (160.000) لاجىء سوري يُضاف إلى المائة وأربعون ألف (340.000) الذين وصلوا في السابق. كما وفي كتابٍ وجّهه الوزير ابو سعيد إلى رئيس الإتحاد الأوروبي جان كلود جانكر أن هناك معلومات وصلت للمنظمة […]

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