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(DESI) Russia remains on its positions in the Middle despite deals

The Secretary General of the European Organization for security and information Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed to Russia despite all the pressures, the offense still needs to stick to the Syrian leadership all the time so the project’s hurt in political orientation, the armed groups of satisfaction, that its constitutes a constant threat to States with secular nature. Those States experienced many crimes against humanity. He noted that the Saudi delegation which recently visited Moscow, did not sign the agreement get “Alexander” system as the system of special technique in Russian military authorities that intend to Moscow planted in Europe as a result of the missile shield the US data previously. The statement said that Saudi Arabia had become embarrassing war wounds with Yemen that did not achieve any of the objectives but are Riyadh stymied militarily if it is frontier battles desperately to send political signals toward the allies and their determination to stay in them certain autonomy within its remaining reservation within the abolitionist struggle taxonomic Shara. Us that through reports that stands behind no ysttiao to limit the severity of the fighting groups in Yemen, despite frequent air strikes and the use of the Saudi weapons in violation of international laws, but the solution and the link remains in the hands of Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran which holding a delicate and sensitive files in the region.The statement indicates that the recipient of such transactions at the level of the alternative are Egypt, Syria and the possibility of developing in the foreseeable military political vision kept at a minimum to keep communication between the Kingdom and the rest of the States that have a direct link with Russia and Iran, and to enable it to start its peaceful nuclear program and get the sophisticated defensive systems against the implementation of economic and political conditions of the Russian methodology towards its allies in the region lead to asylum to political solutions to resolve outstanding concerns about impurities present.






Updated: Tuesday August 18th, 2015 — 7:16 pm
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