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(DESI) some Arabic countries will see Security setbacks

USA Parliament (Intl.) Foreign Minister and Secretary General of the  European Department for security  and information Dr. Haitham Abu Saeed what rumors about a change in regime in Syria after the signing of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the six countries was inaccurate and unrealistic. There was military action started and will be completed on the borders with States that violence and murder at the hands of the takfiri groups including the so-called organizing “ISIS” front victory in Syria and Iraq, and that Iran has not discussed this matter on the table in a timely manner but nuclear core topics were the lifting of the blockade and the potential financial benefit economically, specifically crude oil. He added that the unprecedented Western orientation of the States a window toward Iran will put last in position to improve the conditions and not the other way around, as opposed to some of the mega-deals that are owned by Iran.

In the same vein, Dr. Abu Sa’id confirmed that other countries will see the hottest in its domestic situation and the transition of the Organization of the takfiri “ISIS” to embrace acts of bombing and killing and persecution in those States is dangerous and is not innocent. Dr Abu Saeed warned of insecurity in Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia to the Libyan border, and called on the three countries to take NATO position to combat terrorism at all levels, the idea can be summed up in three basic points: the drying of funding resources, electromagnetic devices and radars monitor major crossing points, and establish a Committee of experts from the States for the proper functioning and implementation of and follow-up to the vigorous intelligence.

Seal statement that US Administration mired in their foreign policies towards regional issues, particularly the Middle East, accused AIPAC by clicking on the current management of the files of life to abortion and obstruction of international agreements with Iran to prevent the States security breakthroughs spin some cosmic benefit from these achievements, but these attempts will face Western pressure had succeeded in view of the need for strong West out of the financial crisis that hit communities.




























Updated: 15 maggio 2020 — 2:38
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